


Cheap – On Fire – Street Poster Art, Bologna, Italy

Mural Painting – Tlatelolco – 2022 – Social Project, Government of México (PROSOC)







































































Lady Mcbeth o El Contagio Humano by Carmen Correa & Jaime Blanc
watercolors painting realized for the theatrical scenography/installation































Solo Show- Los Ensueños- FARO de Oriente, CDMX 2019

La Cronica Negra, Solo Split Show with Jorge Ortega del Campo ArtSpaceMéxico, CDMX 2019





Solo Show (cabinet)-  La Cronica Negra: Galeria José Maria Velasco,  2019




Group Show – Eros & Thanatos, Palazzo Velli, Roma 2019






Illustration Group Show , Premio Illustri – Gallerie d’Italia Milan




With Leonora Carrington and Francisco Toledo at Pablo Goebel Gallery, Polanco, CDMX


















Mural Painting in collaboration with Central de Muro, Central de Abasto world biggest market and ONU, United Nation Information Center of México, as part of the Sustainable Developing Goals project







Art Fair- Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos, Feria Arte Diez